東京出入国在留管理局水戸出張所から180秒!茨城県水戸市 橋本特定行政書士事務所

Authorized Immigration Procedure Specialist Hashimoto Office

Our Policy

First of all, our office services those who live in IBARAKI-KEN and plan to live in IBARAKI-KEN. We are not able to support you if you live in or plan to live in another Prefecture.
Our staff needs to meet with you at least once, so we can confirm your identity and your desire to apply.
If your declarations are not the truth or the documents you provide are not genuine, we will not be able to support you and no refunds will be issued.

Our Advantages

Our office is located with the MITO branch of the TOKYO Immigration Bureau and we are Immigration Procedure specialists who are authorized by the Ministry of Justice. If your personal identification is already registered, you don’t need to go Immigration any more. We can apply to Immigration for you and return your passport to you.

Status of Residence

Immigration control act provides for 27 categories of status of residence.If You wish to stay in JAPAN more than 90days,you have to get a status of residence.Some categories are included in Annexed tableⅠ,and others are included in Annexed Table Ⅱ.Annexed TableⅠis for working qualifications and Annexed Table Ⅱ is for Family qualifications.

Family Qualification

Family qualifications are Permanent Resident, Spouse or Child of Japanese National, Spouse or Child of permanent resident, and Long Term Resident.
You must be able to prove your relationship with a Japanese National or how many years you have stayed in Japan as a good-natured resident.
Recently, some clients applied to the Permanent Visa and got it.

Working Qualification

Working qualifications depend on your abilities, your skills and your experience.
You must be able to prove your abilities, what kind of skills you hold and how many years of experience you have.


If you would like to be a Japanese national, you need to have been living in Japan for 10years, have a clean legal record and not been accused by Japanese authorities of any crimes and relinquish your present Nationality.


Recently, Immigration require you to attach REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE, INCOME CERTIFICATE, and TAX CERTIFICATE most of all Application.

If you live in cities below,
① Down load application form
② Write down your name, address, date of birth, etc.
③ Go to city office and get certificates
④ Attach them for your Immigration Procedure
TSUKUBA CITY Resident Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION
JOSO CITY Resident Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION
TSUCHIURA CITY Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION
MITO CITY (not available)
KAMISU CITY (not available)
KOGA CITY Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION
CHIKUSEI CITY (not available)
HOKOTA CITY Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION
YUKI CITY (not available)
BANDOU CITY Registration / Income / Tax Certificates APPLICATION

Tokyo Immigration Bureau Phone Number

Information Center            03-5796-7112
e‐entry permission            03-5796-7251
Business visa               03-5796-7252
College student              03-5796-7253
Trainee / Temporary           03-5796-7254
Japanese spouse / Permanent           03-5796-7255
Inform illegal matter           03-5796-7256
Declare illegal and deport        03-5796-7257
eclare illegal but reside          03-5796-7258 

New procedure will start from 2012/07/09

[The manual is downloadable as a PDF file ]


お気軽にお問い合わせください TEL 029-232-0506 受付時間 9:00 - 17:00 [ 土・日・祝日除く ]

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